Current Issues in Training


ACCTA SCD and Board Statement February 2025

Click here to read the SCD and Board Statement from February 2025


ACCTA Statement on Hate and Violence

It has been more than a week since the initial shock of the racially motivated violence in Charlottesville.  Many of us are reeling from the brutality and hatred of the incident, while others are further affected by the public responses that highlighted how the cultural oppression that allowed violence to thrive is so pervasive and institutionalized.  The ACCTA Board has considered how to respond to the tragedy as an organization and community of professionals and friends who care deeply about social justice and multiculturalism.  Although we are aware that some of us are already inundated or traumatized by the news, we believe that relinquishing our voice is also problematic in the same way that the equivocal reaction from our nation’s leader is oppressive.  There could never be too many voices against hatred and bigotry, just as there could never be too much empathy and support.

Our colleagues at AUCCCD, AUCCCO, Society of Counseling Psychology, APPIC, APA and others, have put forth powerful and heartfelt responses on behalf of university counseling centers.  We are moved by their words, and would like to stand in solidarity behind their statements.  We encourage ACCTA members to take in the stand that our fellow professionals helpfully articulated and let it inspire, heal, and unify us all, including our colleagues, our psychology trainees, and our student clients.  We envision that posting these messages or links to them on your training webpage could also be a way of offering a strong endorsement of our profession’s conviction, and thereby conveying to our current and future trainees that, under the guiding light of social justice, we all are on this journey together.


Southern Poverty Law Center

Surviving & Resisting Hate: A Toolkit For People of Color

In solidarity,

Your ACCTA Board 


Preparing Professional Psychologists to Serve a Diverse Public

2013 APA Education Directorate's Working Group on Restrictions Affecting Diversity Training in Graduate Education statement adopted by BEA

Narrative 4 fosters empathy by breaking down barriers and shattering stereotypes through the exchange of stories across the world.



APA Education Directorate on the Conscience Clause in Professional Training

Monitor on Psychology April 2015 article

The “Convictions of Conscience” Clause: Clinicians and Consumers Beware 2012 ACA conference paper



APA updates on the Independent Review (aka the Hoffman Report)

Ken Pope Article: The Hoffman Report and the American Psychological Association: Meeting the Challenge of Change 



COA updates (including on SOA, IRs)